Impressions of Bosque del Apache II

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Impressions of Bosque del Apache II


Impressions of Bosque del Apache II has 135 pages, with 4,300 words and over 100 images. PDF format.

This eBook is not intended as a how-to book but rather a visual expression of my thoughts and feelings as I photographed my way through this amazing place. I want to immerse you in what I call the "spirit of Bosque".

Below is the Foreword written by Rick Sammon. I first met Rick several years ago while co-leading a workshop in the Camargue with him. He and I have remained friends and see each other at events from time to time. When I asked him to write the Foreword for my new eBook I was blown away by his very kind words...

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When my friend Denise sent me a copy of her Impressions of Bosque del Apache II e-book, I was reminded of a story John Sexton, one of Ansel Adams’ assistants, told me: A man writes Ansel Adams a stern letter (before computers). He basically says: Dear Mister Adams, I have your books and I have your posters. You inspired me to go to Yosemite. When I got there, it did not look like that.
The message of this story: Ansel Adams used his artistic skills to create his own unique impressions of Yosemite.

Yes, some of the photographs in Denise’s book accurately, and exquisitely, picture Bosque del Apache – the way most bird photographers depict the wildlife refuge. What impressed me most, however, is her artistic approach to presenting her bird and landscape photographs – adding a sense of motion to still images, applying textures for creative and even romantic effects, and through careful composition and lens selection, transporting the reader to her unique position behind the lens.
Complimenting Denise’s photographs is her detailed text, written out of a love and passion for Bosque, for photography, for sharing and for life.
I have photographed in Bosque three times. If I did not know the author, I’d be tempted to write her an email about her wonderful e-book: Dear Ms. Ippolito . . .

Rick Sammon