Kenya (3).jpg

Just hanging out with friends on safari

Me, Paul McKenzie and Donna Bourdon

(I’m on the left)

* image courtesy of Beverly Still

My current workshop leader of choice is Denise Ippolito of ‘A Creative Adventure’. Denise offers an extensive portfolio of workshops to places all around the world that are booked up at least two years in advance. She has a fun upbeat enthusiasm that infuses her workshops with positivity as well as expertise. Her own photographic style is artistic and elegant.
— Carol Parker

unsolicited Workshop Testimonials


Thank you so much for the exceptional Creative Workshop! I loved every moment, and knowing this was your first Creative workshop made it even more special. Your enthusiasm is absolutely infectious, and your willingness to share so many of your secrets in your books and in-person, are both inspiring and generous. 

Your encouragement, insights, inspiration and support have truly made a big difference. You’ve been a very important part of my photography journey, starting with how to use a camera, to learning a lot of artistic nuances—something I’ll always be grateful for. 

Patti Cockerham

Dear Denise,

 I thoroughly enjoyed and was incredibly impressed with your presentation at the Garden Club of America’s Photography Conference. Several beginner photographers in my club expressed how inspirational you were, and thanks to you, they are eager to get more involved in photography.

I vividly remember when I first met you in Sarasota in October 2011. I recall trying to photograph a flower when you came over to help me. Then, you delivered your spectacular presentation, and I was instantly hooked on the world of photography. You are the reason I have such a deep love for photography, and I will always be grateful and indebted to you.

Looking forward to being with you in Charleston!

Thank you for everything.

Warm regards, 


Thank you, Denise.

I thoroughly enjoyed your Palouse workshop. Nice group of people. I think we really did luck out with weather. I know I am going home with quite a few images that I am happy with. Also, thanks for showing me how to do multiple exposures. Always like to learn something new. 

Kathy Sergio


We want to thank you and your team for the work done at the workshop. The staff was informative, and a true pleasure to work with. I particularly appreciated the composition tips and camera setup and settings instruction. It was all done in a professional manner and made me think differently about some of the things that I photograph.

The instruction for Patti to operate her camera and shoot in manual was incredible. Your team took her from a point and shoot method to a manual mindset in 2 days – something that took me much longer to change to. Both camps and the animals exceeded our expectations. In fact, the entire workshop exceeded expectations.

 We look forward to following you and the team on social media and hope to join another workshop in the future.

Cheers, Keith Cockerham


Your images are outstanding. I love them all. Thanks for the last 3 days. I learned a lot from you and am thrilled with the images I captured. These past 3 days were a dream come true.

Pam Corckran

Thank you so much for a wonderful workshop this morning, you were just fantastic. I've got some wonderful pictures (and am seriously contemplating a 500mm lens. I'm going to see if I can talk my husband into your July workshop (if there are any openings left) or you may just see me again there, I learned an incredible amount along with taking some great images and good company.

Best regards, Hali Sowle

Hi Denise,

First of all, I want to thank you both so much for such a terrific workshop yesterday morning at Nickerson Beach. What a wonderful experience and I learned so much from both of you. I am going through my images this morning and I have so many shots that I just love. It was a great time and you are both superb instructors. I really liked your teaching style and you are both so approachable that I never felt uncomfortable or stupid asking questions.

Secondly, I would like to sign up for the next workshop at Nickerson beach at the end of July. I think you said it was July 24, but I am not sure. Let me know if you still have openings and I will send you the deposit.

Thanks again & best regards, Betty Wiley


Thanks for putting together such a fantastic trip to the most stunning places! Each site was fabulous! Can’t wait to go through my photos! All the best.



Thank you for a wonderful 5 days at the Swan Lake Dahlia Garden. I learned so much and now I am ready to have more fun looking closely at the images. You are a talented photographer and also have a superb style in teaching. What a great combination!

Muriel McClellan


Thanks for the extraordinary workshop! I loved every minute. You're the best.

Felice Willat

Thanks Denise,

It was a great shoot. I really appreciate your leadership, composition tips, post-processing advice, guidance on specific locations to shoot within the prison, and management of the group. Kudos! I will be continue to learn from you by referring to your blog and galleries. Again, many thanks for guiding us at ESP!


Hi Denise,

Firstly, I want to thank you for organizing a great trip to Vietnam. I had a blast and it was fun to photograph subjects other than wildlife for a change. Your local guide Son was top notch. The locations we went to were not only interesting from a cultural point of view but also extremely rich in colors and textures that were fun to photograph. Son was also great at convincing locals to pose one way or another to make for a more interesting photograph or to get them to move so we could have a better background for our photograph. He was full of energy and genuinely motivated to do what he could to make our experience the best that it could be. 

Needless to say it was great to see Donna again. For most of the trip I followed her around like a lonely puppy hoping for some of her majic to rub off on me! This was particularly helpful when we were doing portrait shots which I have no experience with. She was very helpful in explaining to me how to take advantage of the side light illuminating the face or to try shooting the subject at an angle versus straight on. Anyway, it's hard to be around a very good photographer for ten days and not learn a thing or two.


Hi Denise,

I was on the Ft Myers IPT and you were very patient helping me with my camera settings. You have a gift.

I know people that are very knowledgeable but can't explain things and don't have the patience.

Take care, Brent Bridges

Hi Denise,

I wanted to thank you for your expert help at the William's Nursery Macro class. Your site is amazing b. t. w.... your photography is pure art. I have no expectations of ever taking pro quality bird images but I sure enjoy the hobby aspect for myself. I realized that I was afraid of the camera before I took the class, I've got over some of that fear now so thanks again!

Linda Federico

Denise - I think I am going to buy a yearly pass to Longwood Gardens after the workshop yesterday. It really opened my eyes that I can do this stuff. You did a great job together.

Steve Berkowitz

Chris and I wanted to thank you for a wonderful morning at

Nickerson Beach. We picked up some pointers.

Thanks again for a wonderful class experience yesterday.

Wayne and Chris Kliewer

Just wanted to thank you for organizing a fun and informative workshop. We had a very nice group of people and I think everyone had to walk away with something.

Please sign me up for the morning workshop at Longwood Gardens. I look forward to joining the group.

Mike Lotito

I would not have missed the workshop for anything. You did a great job. You both have a nice style and complement each other nicely. I did get a number of images I like and I got a lot out of the morning.

Carole Wiley

Hi Denise,

Wow, you get such a special thank you. I am sure I have never taken any class where someone checked in with me and set me on the right course as often as you. Amazing and super appreciated. I hope you had a good a time as I did.


Denise – Thanks for the great workshop and all the help. I have sent you a friend request. I hope we meet again – maybe at Longwood or Eastern State Pen or ? Nickerson Beach will definitely be on the list of favorite places.


Good morning Denise,

Just want to say thank you for all the hard work that you put in at Nickerson Beach. From your great presentation (love your artistic approach) on Tuesday nite until the farewells on Friday, you were fantastic. I have been shooting a lot of landscapes this year and had become sloppy in my approach to bird have gotten me tuned up (translated...kicked my butt) again and i feel much better about my readiness for my trip to Africa on Friday.

I am looking forward to joining you on some of your other workshops in the near future.

Wishing you well as you ramp up your career... I know it will be a successful one.


Hi Denise--Just want to thank you for an enjoyable workshop at Longwood. I want to thank you, in particular, for your patient coaching with Becky. She enjoyed your instruction and is well on her way to mastering the mysteries of f/stops, DOF, ISO, etc. Please email me with any future workshops of yours.

Phil Witt

Denise, Awesome images as usual! You are such a gifted photographer and teacher! I am so glad that I made the Swan Island Workshop. I learned a ton and came home with so many images that I love. I look forward to continue to learn from you!

Susan Dimock

Denise, I really loved the workshop and got a lot out of it. You are a great leader/teacher. I like the way you are always checking everyone to see that we are still engaged and on topic. I learned a lot from you. Will never take a photo of a flower again without thinking of you and how you would approach it.

Thanks again, Joe Barranco

Hi Denise,

Your HDR presentation at the Ocean county Camera Club this past Monday was excellent. You have convinced me to take a second look at HDR as a very positive tool.

Thanks. Roger Friend


I appreciate the attention that you devoted to the group. Very helpful morning.



Thanks for a great time Saturday. It was much more than I expected. Already using Lightroom and PS tricks. Look forward to shooting again with you soon.

Terrific day!


Hi Denise,

Thanks for yesterday. I had a wonderful time. The Purple Sandpipers were an extra treat.

Just wanted to send a quick note of thanks.


Hi Denise,

Thank you for a wonderful set of workshops! The images from the workshop tell the story – we had a terrific time! The GRIPS camera club members who participated in the workshops were impressed with your enthusiasm, expertise and your willingness to share your knowledge and techniques. All agreed that it was time well spent. You showed real professionalism when the venue unexpectedly changed at the last minute and required a whole new approach. Kudos to you for making it a success!

Lynn F

Hi Denise,

Thank you so much for all your teaching and guidance and friendship over

the last couple of weeks! I really enjoyed getting to know you better, and

learned a lot from you. I now have the books to peruse, and Topaz and

Fractalius to play with.

Thanks for everything!


Dear Denise,

What an excellent workshop—well organized and run.

Betsey Henkel

Hi Denise,

The only thing I can say is, thank you for being an inspiration. You are not only a great teacher but a wonderful person who really cares about teaching. Florida was a great experience with you and above all I learned from you, Patience :) Thank you so very much, see you in Galapagos!

Love and regards,

Gaurav Mittal

Hi Denise,

I have to tell you I really enjoyed your presentation tonight at the Orlando Camera Club. Your work is absolutely stunning and very diverse!

I am one of your newest admirers and look forward to seeing more of your work.

Best regards,

George Crudo, Orlando Camera Club

From one of the participants at the Garden Club of America's Photography Study Group Seminar which was held in Sarasota Florida. Denise was a great instructor and great person. I learned so much from her. I hope I can take another workshop from her. And I love her photography!

Thanks Denise,

Eloise Carson


Thanks for all of your coaching and assistance last week. You definitely made the trip better and added to the experience. I look forward to being with you in Homer.



Thank you so much Denise. It was a pleasure meeting you. The workshops and seminar were fantastic and I know that the attendees learned a lot and really enjoyed themselves (myself included). It's always nice to meet someone you've been "friends" with online and then discover they're even nicer in person.

Edith Itzcovici-Levy

Dear Denise,

Had meant to e-mail you after the Long Island workshop but things got really busy as soon as I got back. The holidays have given me some chance to catch up. Many thanks for the advise and instruction during the trip - it truly was very helpful and appreciated. I did purchase the blur guide and am anxious to start trying some blurs (many of my photos are already unintentional blurs so I figure it won't be too hard). Best wishes for the very best New Year.


Hi Denise,

I had such a wonderful time last week at Bosque and just wanted to thank you for all your help. I learned so much and had such a great time, It was a real hoot!! We had such a good group and an even better group of leaders, so willing to share their knowledge and help out at all times. The photography was spectacular but the people really made this trip special for me. I've always been pretty straight forward in my photography, but your creative influence has really got me thinking about new and different roads to follow and for that I'm forever grateful. I hope your future is bright and successful and I look forward to seeing and working with you again. All the best in the upcoming holiday season, take care.


Hi Denise,

It was a wonderful workshop and I came back with many keepers. You got my creative juices going, so I made a folder in my gallery just for you.

Debby L.


Thanks so much for the Blurry day at Bosque and for a good dinner. I enjoyed myself and obtained some good ideas.

Thanks and hope to meet again,


Hi Denise,

I had a great time. Learned a lot, including patience and persistence. You are an excellent teacher. Thanks. Will get to my pix tomorrow.

Roger F.

Hello friend! I just wrote a short note to Art to let him know that my first IPT was a great adventure! I enjoyed your insights and ideas, and truly grew more confident in my knowledge of the tools that are available. It’s one of those things that you want to have as a “do-over”. I wish I was better at the beginning, but that’s why there are more beginnings. The photo’s that you posted from the week are exceptional. Thanks for the introduction to blurs, and know that I wish you well!

Thanks again, Deb Keller

Hi, Denise! Nickerson was oodles of fun and a great learning experience. You are not only a very talented photographer and artist, but a truly nice person and fun to be with.

Be well,

John H.

Dear Denise,

It was a great pleasure to meet you in Bosque as I mentioned I love your creative images and indeed photo’s reflect the photographer, you are very nice too!

Hopefully you had a nice Blurry day in Bosque, a pitty I had to go back home, but I will enjoy the pictures on your website soon,

best wishes,


Hi Denise! It was so fun to meet you this week and I learned tons and tons! I am excited to get back out and practice some more. Maybe I will see you again if you come back to Portland to see the iris gardens! Be sure to let me know!

Thank you again,

Carol Gary

Hi there Denise.

You are on the leading edge of trendy!! Your workshop was refreshing. A welcome addition to the BAA line-up.

Keep in touch.


Hi Denise, Thanks for a great workshop. I had a terrific time and learned a lot under your teaching and organization. I have a lot of photos I am happy with. I wish I could take a class with you more often . I would really like to learn some of your photoshop techniques with the filters and papers. I have your books, but there is nothing like seeing it in person. Thanks so much.



I had a lot of fun during the workshop. I learned so much from it, and I think I actually got a few good captures. One of the best parts, however, was viewing your slide show. I especially liked the image of a skimmer doing its thing on glassy water: WOW, talk about setting the bar high!! I bet you keep that location a well-guarded secret. J It was also cool to witness the pride you expressed about your work at the end of the slide show, telling us how many countless hours you’ve spent out in the field to capture images like that. You can’t buy experience and you can’t fake effort or desire or sheer force of will. That passion is a key component of what makes you so good and it’s cool as well as inspiring when you let it come through.

John Haedo


I would like to say to you also that it was a pleasure spending time with you during the trip. And thanks for all the tips on composition in the field and Photoshop. I can tell you that I now am very aware of the background for a picture, as I realize that if there's a tree right behind the bird's head, it's not a good picture. Believe it or not, I didn't even see the background before, and your advice has made a big improvement in my technique.

Michael Yessik

Hi Denise,

I enjoyed the workshop tremendously & learned much.

Larry Tawa

Hi Denise,

I just wanted to thank you for an enjoyable time yesterday at Longwood Gardens. I appreciate the insight you provided and the opportunity to shoot with you. I love the fact that you have so much energy and enthusiasm for photography. . . A kindred spirit! If you happen to be in my area of NJ or if you want to shoot in NYC some time, let me know and I'll be happy to join you. I hope to see you again soon. Oh, and hopefully I'll get to process my images in the near future.

Noreen B.

This week I actually had to chance to practice what I had learned at the weekend seminar in Tampa/Brandon. You have no idea how much I learned…but more importantly, how much I was inspired, during those two days…I genuinely can’t thank you two enough! Thanks much!

Best regards,

Greg Clarkson

Thank you so much Denise, it was wonderful to be on the workshop with you again, you are a great mentor, and photographer and just plain fun to be around, you definitely made it a great weekend.

H. Sowle


I'm now so motivated to get back out and do more shooting! Thank you for such a wonderful workshop and especially for taking the time to help me become a better and more creative photographer. Hope to see you again soon!

Anne Harlan

Hi Denise,

Just wanted to let you know I really enjoyed the shoot and workshop Saturday night. Being my first ever workshop I did not really know what to expect. Both you and Scott were very helpful and I learned several new things, especially with regards to night photography. I am considering joining your Christmas Longwood Gardens workshop, if our schedule works out. I especially appreciate how both of you were so friendly to my wife Dorothy, making her feel included, when she really was not a part of the workshop. She is the biggest fan of my photography and it always helps me to have her along on my trips.

Take Care,

Ken K.

Denise, I so enjoyed your energy information and admired the most amazing photography..... I got a lot out of your presentation and it left me with wanting more..... The most important message of all was that you were willing to share and teach everything you have learned. That was huge for me. Thank you for all you do in improving the artist in us all. YOU ROCK!!! ?

Jackie Miller Brady

Denise, thank you so much for an amazing presentation! Your commentary and visuals were fabulous!

Fiona Keyes

Hi Denise,

It was great meeting you and a really nice group of fellow students. I also learned a few tricks to keep me thinking, and plan to return to Weehawken for a sunrise or moonrise in the near future.

Thanks for an excellent and fun workshop.

Debby L.


Thank you so much for another great workshop at Nickerson. I entered one of my shots titled "Early Breakfast" in the Art in Nature Contest at the I won first place in the Bird category. Nice to see that the judges recognize creative and new techniques. I've tried to win the bird category for three years. The best I ever did was third with a Piping Plover chick. This was very special for me. Denise thank you for sharing your creative vision with us and Artie for pounding it into my head. On Friday July 26th, I stayed all day and worked on pleasing blurs. I have another 500 plus winners I am sorting through. No photoshop was used (except for cropping) just the IPT technique you shared with us.Pretty cool! Wahooo!

Kind regards,

Timothy L. Thompson


Thank you for the EXCELLENT, dynamic presentation you made last night at the Chester County Camera Club. You provided a LOT of useful information. You inspired me to experiment more. An especially big THANK YOU for being a creative, innovative, energized and happy photographer, who shares her tips and joys.


Hi Denise,

I’d just like to thank you again for your all the help you gave me on the IPT. You understood when I was struggling. Thank you for demonstrating your Mongoose head and a very big thank you for lending me your Skimmer pod – it opened my eyes to low level photographing (my Snowy Plover photos are amazing!!). I will definitely buy a new tripod without a centre column, so I can set up really low, or I might even buy a Skimmer ground pod, which was the one that you recommended me to get? And also for showing me, and Geoff, some basic techniques within Photoshop, particularly with using layers. I’m still sorting through my photos and am hoping I’ll remember your instructions when I get to process them! If I don’t, hopefully, Geoff will be able to interpret his scribbled notes! Many thanks again, and maybe we’ll catch up with you sometime.

Cheers and thanks,


Hi Denise,

I can only begin by saying Thank You!!! What a wonderful opportunity you provided all of us with this mornings workshop. The high point for sure was meeting you and seeing Artie again, it has kept me smiling ever since. The site was spectacular!!! I am very grateful for this morning, for your time, knowledge and eagerness to teach and share. We are lucky to have had time with both of you and i feel new inspiration after our 'play time' in the field! The site was wonderful and even the morning fog added that unpredictable light element….got some interesting shots as the sun broke through. I look forward to shooting again with you and discovering another venue that holds new images to capture. I've been busy processing the images….more to learn there…and yes, perusing the B&H site for a 5D mark lll!!! Oh boy!!

Thank you very much….today was bliss….pure bliss.

My best,



Just wanted to thank you for an excellent workshop last Sunday. I thought the Graffiti Underground - Mugsy's - Eastern State Penitentiary mix made for a perfect day of shooting. And thanks for the excellent composition and exposure tips - I've already seen some improvements in my ability to "see the shot".

Thanks again - looking forward to my next workshop adventure.


Hi Denise,

I wanted to thank you for an amazing day of learning and fun. Your workshop was truly inspirational and fun. I will certainly be scheduling another one with you.

Debra Miller


I really enjoyed the session especially the practical aspect of working with you at the Jetty --- the on-going tips and guidelines you provided for composing, analyzing as you go, using the histogram and watching the blinkies will be invaluable and change my approach ---- the hands-on with you there is so much more valuable than reading about techniques or just hearing about the techniques … all in all it was a great time ….

Terry D.

Hello Denise,

I am still telling "photo friends" about your amazing work as presented at the MLCC earlier this month. I am so glad to have met you and hope MLCC will be featuring a Photoshop workshop by you, as I will definitely be attending! Viewing your photography is like an escape into a perfect world!



Thanks for a wonderful day!

Because of that day I have a renewed interest in Nature Photography. Thanks!

Hope to see you out there.


Thanks for a GREAT workshop, Denise. The mill was a fabulous photographic adventure. I’m loading more than 600 images on my iMac right now —

Lori D.


Thank you for a wonderful Saturday afternoon. Again, I totally loved every minute. Still going through all the photos. Thank you again and again. It was really fun and I learned a lot.



Thank you for the two days of great photography and lessons.

Jon Saperia


I had a blast. I learned some new techniques and went manual and I was actually comfortable doing so. It’s something I rarely do.

Thanks for a great workshop.

Tom Snyder

Dear Denise,

Thank you so much for your fabulous presentation(s) in Sarasota for the GCAPSG group. You were the shining star and everyone got such value out of your program, expertise and willingness to be helpful.

Jane Rogers

Hi Denise,

Jeanne and I thoroughly enjoyed last night's presentation at the Lehigh Valley Camera Club. Not only did you present wonderful images but the stories and the post-processing behind them made the talk all the more entertaining and informative.

Don S.

Hi Denise,

Thanks for coming to the Lehigh Valley Photo Club last night. Your ornithology images are spectacular. I was so much reminded of John James Audubon's Folio paintings. The light colored backgrounds you use make the birds really stand out. It was a pleasure listening to your enthusiasm as well as a feast for the eye looking at your gorgeous images.


Hi Denise,

Your HDR presentation at the Ocean county Camera Club this past Monday was excellent. You have convinced me to take a second look at

HDR as a very positive tool.


R. F.


First of all I want to thank you for all your help and encouragement. I had a wonderful time and loved working with you. I can't believe how organized you are and already have images on your blog. They all look fabulous. It was a treat meeting you and working with you. I look forward to getting together again.


Dear Denise,

I apologize for not getting a chance to say thank you for the wonderful workshop at the mill on Saturday and Sunday. It was amazing!! I had the greatest time and met some really nice people. You are a wonderful host and facilitator. Please be sure to include me on your future outings.

See you along the way.

Warmest regards,

Tony Monaco

Hi there Denise! Just wanted to say I really enjoyed the sunflower workshop today and wanted to thank you again for all your help & expertise. Looking forward to another "photo adventure" soon!

Best, Ginger White

Hi Denise,

It was a GREAT workshop! You did a fantastic job. I really enjoyed it. Thanks so much for all your hard work and effort. The location is beyond awesome!!!

Kate Ryan


I just wanted to say on behalf of the Board and myself thank you for coming to our club and doing such an awesome presentation. I have heard many great comments from the members about how much they enjoyed your presentation and seeing your stunning images. It is speakers like yourself that have helped make our club a great place to learn and become better photographers. Hope you made it back last night! Please let me know if you are ever back in Orlando and we can get a group together for dinner!

Best to you,

Katrina H. Guensch-Bennett

Denise, we had a fantastic time. We learned a lot and got lots of good shots. Can't wait to do another workshop with you. Looking forward to Barnegat.

Thanks again, Dave & Eli

Dear Denise,

Thank you so, so much for such a marvelous presentation and sharing your skill and gift with all of us last night. Your photography is just exquisite and so inspiring. Anyway, we all truly loved your time with us, your energy and your spirit.

Thank you again,

Kitty Kono

Main Line Camera Club


I had so much fun and learned sooo much from you guys it should have been illegal. I wanna go back, pitch a tent on the beach and stay there awhile!



This was one of the most enjoyable and productive trips we've had. Great to see your business doing well, couldn't happen to a nicer person. This doesn't say enough, but you've probably noticed I'm not very loquacious.



Hi Denise,

Thank you sooo much for your enlightening, inspirational and informative presentation last Monday. We all enjoyed your presentation and your easy approach to all the items covered. Very easy to follow and understand. You clarified many issues that we have been dealing with so now we can go out and try them. I especially appreciated the artistic approaches that can be used on all our photos.

Thanks From the Lansdale Camera Club Members

Canon Everglades Workshop

Denise Ippolito was a huge help. We dealt with pretty much every imaginable problem in a span of four hours. As always, the folks that stayed close to Denise and to me and asked lots of questions learned the most. It was Denise who actually led most of the group into the field well before sunrise while I stayed behind dealing with a variety of tripod, tripod head, and plate issues.

Thanks for you help. The folks loved you and I would have been dead in the water without you there.

Arthur Morris


I am late thanking you but, I want to thank you for making our 2011 Spring Foto Fun day such a success. Everyone there really enjoyed having you be part of our special day. We've never had a speaker who enveloped the day from the beginning to the end, from being one of our judges, interacting with attendees, providing a wonderful program, and providing door prizes and bringing handouts etc. And thank you for my bag of goodies...that was very thoughtful of you. Please keep us abreast of your successes in the coming years and I hope to catch up with seeing you at one of your programs.

Ken Sichel

President, DVCCC

Our speaker, Denise Ippolito was delightful, entertaining, engaging and very informative. She showed a collection of incredible bird photographs and explained her secrets for capturing such amazing images, including – ‘be on the scene first’ to get the best shots. She also showed a number of images which were manipulated in a Photoshop plugin called Fractalius. It creates unusual, eccentric artworks in a single step. The effects are based on extraction of so-called hidden fractal texture of an image. With it, you can also simulate various types of exotic lightings and high realistic pencil sketches. Everyone in attendance was mesmerized by Denise’s work. Check out Denise’s website for blogs, workshops and to download her amazing e-book tutorials.

Main Camera Club Blog


I’m a member of the Ocean County Camera Club and attended your presentation Monday evening. I couldn’t stay after the meeting so I decided to drop you an email to tell you how wonderful your presentation was. In my opinion is was the best presentation we’ve had at the club in the few years I’ve been a member. It was informative, interesting, and presented in a very friendly manner.


Hi Denise,

It was great, I loved it! Thank you! I was so caught up in taking the photos the time evaporated. I got so many great shots. Definitely I'd like to go back, I have to see if that weekend in August is going to be a conflict in terms of other travel. Thanks again, you ran a nice workshop!


Hi Denise,

I am surely the one to be offering a thank-you for this past week-end! I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and only occasionally felt the cold as you did prepare us well and once engaged in a photoshoot, there is no pain. I am very pleased with my shots and have just ordered your video on creative multiple exposures. I will be interested in further meet-ups with you, hopefully up here in Canada.

Cheers from an admirer,

Sandra R.


I can't tell you how much I not only enjoyed, but learned at your presentation … I'm looking forward to working with you some day when the weather gets nicer … your photos were great and your presentation was second to none … thanks again …


Hi Denise,

Thank you so much for all your help and inspiration during the Lonaconing Workshop. You made the experience very informational, creative, and fun! I hope to be able to learn from you again in the future! Here are a few photos for you. I love what you did with the "leaf on the windowsill" - the feeling the texture gave to it is quite soft and romantic. My next step is to learn more about post processing and textures - I would love to be able to create the same magic that you can!

Thanks, Betsy

Hi Denise,

Thank you for an awesome weekend! Your presentation was fantastic and all of the feedback has been awesome! Beginners and advanced photographers alike enjoyed it! Your workshops both days were great too! Thank you so much!!!

Lisa Cuchara

Hi Denise,

I thought the weekend was just wonderful. I learned a lot, got some awesome shots, and just plain had a fantastic time. I can't thank you enough for all of the personal help you bestowed upon me. I'm sure each attendee felt the same, but I really felt it was one on one rather than a group event. Now I have material to draw from for a long time to come. It means so much to an advanced beginner like me to be able to work with and watch you work, listen to how you think and what you are looking at, and then teaching me how I can make my shots better. I received more than I could have imagined from the workshops.

So thank you for the weekend,

Margo Bury


Thank you for a wonderful workshop, I learned so much!  Denise, I have been on many workshops but  have never encountered a leader so passionate and giving as you.

Carol Rosenthal

This is the last day of the Death Valley workshop with the incredible Denise Ippolito. Death Valley is a spectacular location and I’m very glad I came. Denise, you are a fabulous teacher truly interested in helping your students advance their knowledge of photography and develop their personal vision. Many, many thanks. Theresa Bryson

Dear Denise, I am thrilled to receive a copy of your latest e-book so thank you very much.  It is the perfect indulgence to curl up with and enjoy a cup of coffee and know that at the same time I am learning and expanding my creative ideas.  Wow!

I enjoyed your Longwood workshop more than words can express.   Yes, I learned new techniques from observing you, both technically in the field and afterwards with post-processing in the class-room.  But ever since then, I continue to be challenged and inspired by concepts we learned from you, to practice our craft every day and to experiment creatively as well.  This lasting impression, I think, is the essence of a great class and a great teacher, which you are.  

As a bonus, one of the participants, Nima Marsh, and I have become photographic buddies.  Although we didn't know each other before, we've returned to Longwood to practice one workshop technique at a time.  We know, for example, how to check our histograms so we're NOT blowing out the reds!  Nima is as serious as I at wanting to improve and so it's been fun comparing notes.

I am looking forward to lining up my calendar and getting on your schedule for a future workshop!  Until then, please know how very grateful I am to have been a participant in your workshop and to receive your latest ebook.

Wishing you all the best! Pat Rhubottom


We loved everything about the trip.  Your guides are outstanding and went above & beyond expectations!  The pelicans were all we hoped they would be.  And you were the perfect leader and made us work hard and think about our images.  Everyone got along so well and we had lots of good conversation and laughs.  Many thanks for such a wonderful trip!

Nancy & Chuck

The Greece workshop was a fabulous trip with great people and outstanding guides and leader. Lori Moilanen


My head and heart are filled with the pelicans, the guides and other accommodating and committed people and new friends from Greece. It is now truly one of the more memorable trips and I cherish it. Thank you for being you and making this all possible for all of us. You are truly special.

Sue Eberhart


You images are magnificent. Thanks again for a fabulous workshop. I knew you had magical powers but to arrange your workshop at the peak of the spring blooming season was over the top.

Pam C.


Thanks for the great workshop. Your images are great. Thanks to you, everyone’s images were great at all of your fabulous shooting locations. I am a wildlife photographer, and everything you showed us about composition here (especially with tree/branch flows & lines) will really help me with my wildlife shots as I try to include more environment around my subjects.

Jim Fennessy

Thanks, Denise for a really excellent workshop. I have wanted to participate in your Charleston workshop for some time and it was everything I had hoped and more. I thought we had a great group. 

Scott Young

I took Denise’s Death Valley Workshop in January of this year, and I loved it! I learned a great deal about landscape photography and about the beautiful and diverse landscape of the Death Valley region. Denise is an upbeat and very approachable professional photographer and workshop leader.  She not only got us to the right places at the right time, but also helped us set up our shots, helped with settings, or whatever else we needed.  She also held a photo critique session where we had an opportunity to see some shots from the other members of our group, and also to learn some of Denise’s photo editing techniques. I learned a great deal from this workshop, and I highly recommend taking it. 

Sue Guy

Good Morning Denise,
Thanks so much for the incredible Bear Boat trip.  It was all I had hoped for and more.  The photo opportunities couldn't have been better and I learned so much from being with so many outstanding photographers.  You once again did a beautiful job of creating a welcoming, warm environment for all of us. I look forward to my next "Denise Adventure" , whatever that turns out to be. I hope you're getting some well deserved down time to hang out with your family.

Take care,
Linda Seal

Hi Denise,

Superior accolades to you for conducting an incredible workshop again. So much learning and fun. Your tips are amazing and always lead to a creative end. This is what makes you standout amongst other workshop leaders. I wish I were younger so that I could have many more years of learning.

Morris Herstein


Wow, thank you very much! Your workshop was fantastic. I learned a lot.

I have all of your e-books. They are fantastic also.

Chung Kim

I attended the Death Valley workshop with Denise Ippolito and was amazed at the scenery and the instruction Denise and assistant provided to the group.   I've been photographing on and off (mostly off) for the past 30 years and she enabled me to see photographic scenes much better.   It was a pleasure to attend her workshop and I'm confident I'll attend others. Denise - Thanks for all you help... Bob Looser

Hi Denise,

The entire weekend was extraordinary… Thanks to you! A weekend of photography that I will never forget, I learned so much.

I also learned that there is much more to learn. My flower photography is at a whole new level. You are absolutely the best!

You are the Rembrandt, Picasso and Monet of photography! No kidding… No exaggeration!

With tremendous gratitude,

Glenn Dopf

Ridgewood Camera Club Meetup Group Speaking Engagement Kudos ~
"Fantastic", "Terrific", "Fabulous" are the words that are being used to describe yesterday"s event.
I just love it when speakers make me look like a hero.
I'm sure that Kudos will continue to pour in.

Excellent! The speakers were talented, informative and a pleasure to listen to. I felt inspired to go out and do some shooting.
Robert Matthews

Terrific!! Each presenter was outstanding. I learned a great deal from the presenters as well as the audience questions. The images shown were extraordinary. Fabulous program.
Fran Toepfer

The speakers were amazing. Wonderful photos with thorough explanations. Great tips for us to improve our photography.
Lori Henderson

I never would have thought someone could make such beautiful artistic photos moving the camera and still allowing viewers to recognize the subject of the image.
John Taranto

First class speakers...this event was really good and inspirational.
I can't wait to make the same kind of images, and for the next event.
Thanks Marty, Robert And Lisa for organizing this event.
Boris Hardouin

Dom Leone

FABULOUS. Marty you simply GREAT at this kind of thing.
Allan Schneider

Terrific program! Another job well-done by the organizers of Ridgewood Camera Club. Thank you for your efforts.
Mike Iuzzolino

All three speakers held your interest and were very informative in different ways. Well done!
Lisa Matthews

Informative, enjoyable, well organized - I look forward to your next such event.
Mark Lasser

Very informative and enjoyable
ginger white

The photos were great, truly beautiful and very well done. Their comments were right on! Very professional! Everyone there must have learned a great deal. Thanks for organizing!
Alyce Parseghian

The program was very enjoyable, informative and inspiring. The images that were shown by each presenter were Terrific! Thank you Marty and the organizers of the Ridgewood Camera Club for hosting such a Fabulous event!
Debra Wallace

Excellent Program. So glad I made the 2-1/2 drive from the quiet corner of CT to attend.
Steve Abbott

NY Weekend Seminar Kudos:

Hi Denise
Thank you so much! Your creativity, passion and enthusiasm inspire. Your ability and willingness to share your thought process, approach and technique stimulate folks to view and approach familiar subjects in new ways.
Thanks! Hope to see you soon!
Tom Pfeifer

Thank you so much Denise, for a wonderful weekend! It was great to meet you and I learned so much. Now time to put it to use...(easier said than done! :) )
Debbie Zilli

Denise - I just wanted to drop you a note and say how much I enjoyed meeting you and Artie and getting a glimpse into your extremely creative mind, your thought process and your workflow.
By the way I signed up for the B&H workshop on the hope that since it is just before the holidays I'll be able to sneak away from the office for a couple of hours.
Hope to see you then and thanks again for all the tips, tricks and wisdom.
Rachel Hollander

Hi Denise,
Mark Hendricks here. I wanted to thank you again for the amazing presentation that you put on. It was educational and inspiring and I gained so much from the experience. Your work is absolutely breathtaking and you've inspired me to look at flowers again. Florals were one of the first subjects I used to take photographs of but in the last few years most of my attention has been geared towards wildlife. And thank you again for the fun filled evening at dinner. Carolina and I had such a blast. And thanks for your invaluable input when looking at my images. We look forward to seeing you and Artie again one day.

Hi Denise ,
WOW, I am still trying to process all that we went over these past two days and feel SO incredibly lucky to have been able to attend your seminar! You both bring such positive energy, amazing insight and world wide experiene to share with those who participate in your workshops. I am just in awe at the amount of information that we covered these past two days and have already begun to review my notes while still fresh. Artie said on the first day that thankfully you hadn't built a business solely on the stock photography world, but EDUCATION….We are the lucky ones!! Attending your workshops is a must a for anyone who is inspired by photography ….Your passion for the art/craft is contagious and evident each minute of the time we were there You both compliment each others strengths and are downright superstars. I just loved these past two days and can't wait to put some of the new info and techniques to use. I am especially eager to play with some of the software….yes, C-S6 is downloaded already.
In addition, I am tickled too that i won a tripod!! Thank you and thanks to your generous sponsors for offering to give you these items. Denise, i have already put on the head that i won from the a Sunflower shoot….will be my go to for macro work! I am so glad to have met you both!! Thank you very much.
My very best,
Sherb Naulty

I just wanted to take a minute to say “Thank you very much for last weekend!” I had a great time, and I learned an awful lot. It was a nice way to spend my birthday weekend, and you topped it off nicely by picking my number for the Think Tank Airstream rolling bag door prize; it’s something I’ve been wanting badly! I just finished transcribing my notes from the seminar days and can’t believe how much new info I garnered. I am anxious to put it to use. The day spent in the field, despite the foggy and wet conditions, were a big help to me. I really appreciated the individual attention you both provided. You are both masters in the field and it was a privilege to be able to spend time with you. Thanks also for the great lunch on Monday! Wishing you both a wonderful holiday. I hope that our paths cross again in the future. Thanks again for Everything!
Sharon Hallowell

Dear  Denise, I attended your Staten Island seminar and really learned tons. Thank you both for sharing your knowledge. I also purchased Denise’s book and can’t wait to use some of the filters. I feel that I am well on my way to making better pictures. Thanks again!
Gerry Matteo

Denise, I wanted to thank you for a great weekend. I got a lot out of the two days of classes and the morning of shooting in Howard Beach was great despite the fog and rain. In just a weekend I learned so much that I would never have thought of by myself. It reinforced what I have read in Artie’s two books. Once again, thank you! I hope to see you both again soon.
Jeff Friedhoffer

Tampa Seminar Kudos:

This week I actually had to chance to practice what I had learned at the weekend seminar in Tampa/Brandon.
You  Denise have no idea how much I learned…but more importantly, how much I was inspired, during those two days…I genuinely can’t thank you two enough!
Thanks much!
Best regards,
Greg Clarkson

I did manage to get a good angle on the baby great horned owl at Fort Desoto yesterday. My thanks to you and Artie for a great weekend of learning.
Mark Jones

Thank you for an enjoyable and educational weekend. I always get a lot out of spending time around you Artie, and the addition of Denise's expertise with macros and blurs was wonderful to experience first hand. Denise was great about helping me in the field also.
I plan to work hard this year looking around all the time, really looking at a subject and understanding what is appealing to me about it, and to think before I just push that shutter button.
Thanks again for everything and hope to see both of you soon.
Aaron Chandler

Hi Denise
I want to thank you for a great photography weekend. Watching you demonstrate your creative blur techniques was just what I needed to get me thinking of various ways to “ jump in”.
I’m looking forward to trying these techniques on the interior of the Washington National Cathedral in DC. The stained glass reflections on the stone interior are already phenomenal. Our kids in DC accuse me of visiting them just so that I can go spend hours photographing the stunning views on a sunny day. Just think of how long I can get lost in there now!
Thanks again
Linda Sullivan

Hi Denise,
Many thanks to both you and Art for a wonderful seminar in Tampa.It is always a good sign when you wish that it would have gone on for a couple of days longer.So much to learn.
Have a great trip to Holland and good shooting to you both.
Best Wishes,
Bill Eaton

Dear  Denise,
I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the photo seminar this weekend. I picked up a lot of new information and was reminded of some techniques I haven't used in a while. I especially enjoyed the session on blurs. I've done macro but have never been fond of it. Now I'm truly inspired to get out the dusty (I hope not literally!) lens and try out some of the creative ideas presented by Denise.
I also appreciated the Lowepro Bag I got as a door prize. Please extend my thanks to whoever donated it.
I hope to have the opportunity some day to travel with both of you.
All the best,
Arla Altman

hey Denise :
THANK YOU for a wonderful, interesting, and informative weekend! One can see how much work went into your presentation, even though you do this often, and your team work is impressive. I took a whole notebook full of notes and, although I have been doing photography for many years, found many things you said valuable. I also really appreciate your comments and suggestions considering my impending camera upgrade - and your picture critiques.
Every moment spent was worthwhile to me...........and I don’t want to neglect saying how much I enjoyed the opportunity to see all those wonderful images. Just want to throw in one more thing : two years ago at BirdFest Artie gave a talk that included tips for cleaning up an image.......and I am still appreciating what I learned then. And Denise, as you know, your work really “speaks to me”.........I love your style!
As a bonus, I met some incredibly interesting people who were fellow class participants. I ended up having dinner with a poet/writer, lunch with a Nasa science engineer, meeting a near [within 20 miles] neighbor with whom I intend to shoot, and that is just scratching the surface.
Hope tomorrow at DeSota is a great’s supposed to be sunny!
patsy hall

I wanted to thank both you and Denise for a great seminar. I certainly learned a lot and I enjoyed the stories! It was well worth both the time and money when you have two instructors so eager to share their knowledge with others.
Trygve Anderson
PS I never win anything so it was surreal and a great bonus to get one of the goodies!

“The classroom sessions with you were excellent! I really learned a lot about proper exposure and it’s already made big difference in my success rate shooting birds. The field session at Ft. Desoto park was awesome. We had great opportunities with a lot of cooperative birds, and it was a special treat to have that very tame long-billed curlew parading around—that’s a new bird for my life list, and I got some great images.
However, the single thing that was most useful to me was watching you review and edit your images during the lunch after the field trip. I’d already had a chance to do a quick review of what I’d shot in the morning, and I thought I’d done pretty well. But then as we watched you run through what you’d shot that morning, it was more than a bit deflating! Virtually all of your stuff was better than my stuff, and it was mostly because I hadn’t fully followed through on what you’d taught in class: I lowered my tripod to get low as you showed us in class, but while shooting the same bird, you were lying on your belly in the sand. I stayed cleaner, but you got better shots. After seeing exactly what you had captured in the same situation, it really drove home what you’d been preaching.
Thanks again, the classroom sessions followed by the field trip made a great combo, and being able to compare what I shot to what you got when we were in the same place at the same time was INVALUABLE.”
Chuck Murphy

Hi Denise
I was at the Tampa seminar and was thrilled to meet both you and Artie. Learned so much from the both of you. Thank you for your inspiration and sharing what you have learned. I would like if possible to know the exact set of your tripod. I saw your list of gear but not sure what is on your tripod. I like the way it moves around so easily.
Thank you
Linda Oneill

Flower Photography Weekend Seminar/Workshop Kudos:

I slipped out yesterday a little before the class ended and before I could get a chance to say how much I LOVED Friday and Saturday's class. It was an outstanding experience and I learned so much and got a chance to try out some new shooting ideas. Your coaches were excellent, you were very organized and shared your beautiful vision so well. I am looking forward to more opportunities to share and learn from you. Thank you so very much.
Sue Harvey Eberhart

Thanks for yesterday! I learned a lot and I think you did a terrific job. I can't wait to spend time with you in France!!!
Nancylee Cranmer Mudd

Your seminar today was fantastic!!!! You have so much energy and are so creative...thanks for all the help...will have to do more flower photography with you...thank you so much!
Nancy Thorington

A big shout out to Denise Ippolito who did a fantastic job today teaching an enthusiastic AND lively! group of photographers! A well deserved night of chilling out I hope is on her docket. Thank you for allowing me to be a "helper." And I did learn a few new things along the way. :-)
Kate M Ryan

Got great value from Saturday.Thanks.
Frank Kirshenbaum

Thank you for the great day. You have beautiful work.
I wish a little of your talent would rub off on me. I do think what you do is more of a a result of your innate artistic talent !!! Of course having the technical knowledge is a plus.
I did learn a lot today so thanks again.
Danielle D'Ermo

Hi Denise,
Thanks for a great seminar! I really learned a lot about Photoshop and the various creative plug ins (which was my primary reason for signing up)!
Denise Molzahn

Thank you so much for a great workshop. I learned a lot from you and the other instructors because you pushed me to try some new techniques. I have checked your W/S schedule and will try to find one that fits my calendar and budget.
John Monroe

Hi Denise!
I hope you are recovering today from the high energy of the week-end. You give so much!
I had a dinner engagement with my Maryland family and a drive to get there, and consequently left the workshop as soon as we ended. I do want to thank you for a great presentation; your creativity inspires new ideas and techniques, and I very much appreciated being a part of the workshop. It was GREAT!!
I was also delighted that my friends Tom and Lisa assisted you; they are extremely talented as well, and two of the best teachers I know. They tell me that you, Tony Sweet and John Barclay (an old friend), may be coming to Connecticut this summer! That will be amazing I am sure!
Many, many thanks for all you give and do!
My Best,
Barbara Vietzke

Ontario Council of Camera Clubs -Presentation/Photoshop Demos (organized by Norm Ullack and Bharat Mistry of OCCC)

Hi Denise
As a participant in the education seminar last weekend, I wish to personally thank you for leading a very informative & inspirational presentation. I enjoyed seeing your many images, hearing the related stories on techniques used and learning about your workflow in processing your images. You certainly like to use the KISS principle in delivering your photographic passion. I received several messages from other members of the OCC that they as well enjoyed your presentation!! Over the years, I have ordered several ebooks that you have published. I still find that they are excellent references to inject creativity in my images. You included several images from your favourite locations and photo tours. I do hope that I am able to join you on a photo tour once the Covid situation improves. Thank you again, on behalf of the Oshawa Camera Club for organizing an excellent seminar!! Take care & be safe.

Sharad Tembe
OCC – President


Hi Denise,

I’ve been meaning to reach out and thank you for a terrific presentation and workshop last weekend. Although I had hoped to see you in person when I signed up it was still nice to “see” you over zoom. As usual thoroughly enjoyed the presentation and walked away with some new insights.



I definitely enjoyed the presentation and look forward to watching the replays to better learn many of the Photoshop features that she presented. I will be spending time during Covid trying to turn some of my average pictures into better ones based on her tips.

As Lance mentioned Denise presented to the Toronto Digital Photography Club, plus led 4  workshop outings a few  years ago. I was the organizer for this. As you have experienced, it was great meeting and working with her. She is amazing. I was really looking forward to meeting with her again in person. Of well, this was as good as it could be this year. I’m so glad you didn’t cancel it.

John Weatherburn


Many thanks to Denise, Norm and Bharat for your passion and effort. Denise's photography has inspired me to try some new approaches. She gave me lots of ideas, so I am thankful that she was able share her expertise with all of us.



Thank you, Denise!

I really enjoyed your presentations for the O3C members this weekend. I have some new tricks that I am looking forward to experimenting with.

What I got most out of your presentation is that I should continue with my diverse interests in photography. Basically, not only do I love to shoot anything outside, but I like to vary what I do: closeups, landscapes, action, high-key, night sky, camera movement, you name it! I do not have to confine my work to a single interest. I saw that in your work, which happens to align with my interests. I would love to meet you some time ... maybe a future workshop?


Colleen Pollack


Thank you Denise for an inspiring presentation especially during these difficult times. I have learned a great deal from you and now need to go out and apply it. Thank you for adapting to a zoom format. It would have been a shame if this was cancelled.  Take care.



Dear Denise,

It’s not every speaker or every topic that could engage me for 7-8 hours in an online format. Congratulations and thank you for two good mornings! And, as we think ahead to next April’s Latow Photography Weekend, thank you for demonstrating that this stay-at-home format can work well.

Tom Stephens

Latow Photographers Guild

Burlington, Ontario


Hello Denise,

Thank you for all the work you did to convert your presentation to the webinar that I just saw. The photos were fabulous, and I loved all the information you gave about each one. You are such an engaging speaker that it would have been wonderful to see you in person, but I think I learned more by having the information divided into two parts than by having it all in one day. My mind is still spinning! And being able to watch the webinar again will let me catch the steps I missed. You’ve given me new ways to take photos, and I’ll be looking through my old photos to re-process some.

Thank you again,

Nancy Coffey


Denise you are awesome and continue to inspire me.

Sharon Eyolfson


Great seminar Denise you have filled me with inspiration, my direction in photography has been moving more towards the artistic aspect and with all the ideas, tips and examples you have shown us this helps me immensely to proceed in that direction. The flower photography was breath taking, and you provided so many ideas when shooting birds other than the basic portrait (or bird on a stick I like to call it). Thank you so very much your work and time spent on this seminar/presentation is appreciated beyond words can express.

Virginia Stranaghan, President Hamilton CC


Denise did a wonderful presentation, clear, informative, and very impressive. I hope to see her again. And when all this craziness with covid ends, it would be lovely to travel with her. Here is to future adventures.

Bonnie Schaffer


This was time we’ll spent! I’m now thinking of changing my work algorithm (or at least modifying it) to incorporate some of Denise’s ideas. And on top of that,  she is a great educator - and seems to be a very likeable person. Thanks, Denise, for all the time and effort you put into this. I hope you get to Toronto soon.


Harry Shulman

Thank s Norm and O3C for organizing this webinar. Greatly appreciated. Looking forward to future webinars such as this great presentation from Denise. 

Denise’s creative photography sure has opened my mind and concept of photography and helped me see things that I would never see before. I.E. flaming Tulip, such keen eye and artistic mind to see things differently.  What strike me deeply is how she turned an impressionable image to a Wow image in photoshop. She made the process seemed so simple and easy to do. So many features I have yet to learn.  I am thankful for the recording webinar which can surely help me to review and refresh my mind for me to follow the processing step by step in my own pace. 

Fantastic presentation. 



I really enjoyed Denise’s presentation.  I found it very informative and it certainly helped me in how I will approach my taking of pictures.   In her sharing how she uses Photoshop, I found she explained it in a way that was easy to understand.   Overall the 2 days were very good, the only thing that would have made it better is if it could have been presented in person by Denise.

Thank you,

Gail Nichol

Denise thank you so much for the great two days of webinars.  I know how hard it must have been  to keep your energy up given you had no audience to play off of but you handled it beautifully.  Your enthusiasm and professionalism for your craft  definitely shined through. I learnt so much from each session whether flowers or birds there was so much to take away and apply to one’s own work. 

As others expressed I would love to be able to refer back again and again to your  pre recorded photoshop sessions. They were brilliant and so helpful. Please consider a way for those who would like to keep them to do so. Perhaps with the purchase of an ebook they could be provided as added value ?” 




I most certainly  enjoyed and learned from Denise. I have listened to many instructors in the past but I found Denise to be exceptional without question. I look forward to re watching as I tried to make notes but , at my age , I write slowly. Please pass on my thanks to Denise, and , all of you at o3c for the great job. 

Thank you.

Paul Dibranou

Richmond Hill Camera Club


This was great weekend I really enjoyed the program. I first met Denise when she came to Toronto in 2013 and I attended the workshop, since than I receive her blogs and have some of her ebooks, as always I have learned new things with your demo in Photoshop.

Thank you once again for the great presentation.

Diana Noriel


This was an enjoyable, informative and very motivating education programme - enough to make me go back to all the trips and “recover” photographs that I thought were not worth working on.

Thanks to Denise and your O3C team - kudos!

Best, Atul

Thank you Denise for an inspiring and educational presentation. I certainly learned some new things and thoroughly enjoyed your presentation.

Pierre Falzon


To Denise! Well done! Thank you for making  this a very successful weekend. Your presentation style is very relaxing, informative and also very instructional. I thought that the mix of video, live show and tell, and Question and Answers  really kept the sessions interesting and my full attention over the two days. I also really enjoyed learning the short tips and tricks and have already tried and posted your crystal ball creative technique- such fun!!! Let me know what you think! Can’t thank you enough- keep doing what you are doing- your creativity is so inspiring!! Look forward to learning more from you and hope to meet you in person one day!


Kathy Braznick


Denise et al,

I can’t believe how quickly the time went on this webinar!  Thank you for all your hard work as it was much appreciated.  I learned new techniques and you certainly inspired me!  Maybe some of those photos of mine can be helped after all! So thank you again and I would certainly take another course from you.  The very best to you.

Ann (Westell)


The event was a huge success. Maybe even better than live as you had time to absorb so much over two days not just one.  Denise did a great job as did the organizers.  I hope to one day take a trip with Denise 

Cheers. Lorne Rose


I thoroughly enjoyed this weekend seminar.  I thought Denise did an amazing job.  Not only were her images wonderful but she also provided great tips and techniques - very inspirational.  I really like the idea of having the video available.  This is a great tool for those who may not be that Photoshop savvy and can therefore repeat the tips at leisure and as much as needed.  However, it is really too bad that the video will only be available for 2 weeks.  Would be nice if this was permanently available for easy reference. I feel I learned a lot and can’t wait to start photographing  with these tips in mind and also work in post.

Anne Greschuk


Hi Denise, 

Thank you so much for the wonderful presentation.  I really enjoyed it.  Your images are amazing and your thought process behind each image was very informative. I found the demonstrations very helpful.  I am feeling invigorated to try new things and to go back through my catalogue adopting some of the things I have learned.  Thanks so much.

Best wishes,

Linsay Drysdale


It was an amazing 2 days - gam packed with useful information and inspiration. I am just learning PS and at times I felt like I was really getting it. It has motivated me to view taking my images in different ways and really gave me a deep understanding of photography as an art. Thank you Denise!


Denise was excellent.  Her presentation was a perfect mix of creative inspiration and practical demos.  She is inspiring. I thank her for all her hard work.  I think this format was better than an in-person presentation, rather than sitting 50 feet from a big screen the whole presentation and demo was right in front of me.

Thanks so much!


Hi Denise:

Thanks so much for your generosity in sharing your skills and knowledge, I am once again lucky to be inspired by the creativity of your work! I’m looking forward to the added energy that will bring to my photography (in fact I tried a couple of few things right after the sessions). Stay well and happy shooting.

Wendy Holden

Photo Arts Club of Newmarket



What a great weekend webinar you gave. I have learned so many new things. I especially liked your flower work and processing. And I am so glad what you did was not really complicated. It was so inspiring as I love to photograph flowers and also do ICM. Looking forward to clarifying my pages of notes with the recording and it will help all those tips you gave us to sink in.

Kathy Ward


Hi Denise,

Thanks for an interesting presentation….it has stimulated me to try more post processing techniques even though i only have luminar to work with. I also will definitely try a bit more high key photography…something I don’t do much of at all now. You have broadened my horizons…thanks again

Maureen McCormack



Thanks very much for your seminar.  I thoroughly enjoyed it....your photography, your Photoshop processing workflow and the tips.  I’m looking forward to going through the recordings over the next couple of weeks.  I’ve already been playing with high key processing on a couple of photos from a trip to the Antarctic earlier this year and like the results.  You never know, when we can start traveling again, maybe we’ll cross paths in the Lofoten Islands...maybe on the bridge in Hamnøy.  



I attended Denise’s presentation at Latow Photographers Guild previously, enjoyed her very much, but at the moment I think her excellent webinar today supersedes my expectations. Denise offers a perfect pace, lots of information and friendly fun approach to her ethos of photography.  A replay available over the next 2 weeks is much appreciated too. My congratulations and sincere thanks to everyone who played a role in making this event so successful. 

Warmest Regards and looking forward to Sunday too,

Carolyn Francois Scobie ECC


Dear Denise;

Thank you for a wonderful workshop experience. It is not easy to pull this off virtually but you have a way of explaining concepts in a straightforward and clear manner. It was easy to stay engaged with the workshop and I learned a lot. I believe you could market these workshops and carry on through this crazy time.

Thanks again;

David Murray (GRIPS) President


Denise’s  workshop was incredible!  Excellent and varied content presented in an easy to understand manner.  Something for everyone!  Denise has excellent presentation skills. Thanks to you, Bharat and OCCC for providing me the opportunity to attend this workshop.  I look forward to reviewing the videos.

Judy Boufford


I enjoyed the presentations immensely and learned a lot.  I am already putting my new knowledge to work and improving some of my images. It was a treat seeing the wonderful variety of excellent images by Denise.  I look forward to more.

Valdas Dambrausakas


Denise, I enjoyed your workshop immensely! I loved your images, I loved your way of seeing world through the lens, your photoshop tips were very useful!  Artistic flower and high key photography were my favorite topics. Thank you very much and I hope to attend more workshops like this in the future! It was very inspiring event!


When O3C announced the Denise Ippolito presentation back in 2019 I checked the link to Denise’s website. Her photography was truly inspiring! I signed up immediately looking forward to a feast for the eyes….…but with the Covid Zoom format I not only got my “eye candy”“and discovered interesting composition techniques but also got several “how to” Photoshop demonstrations that, hopefully, will help me try my hand at becoming a better photographer. The fact the workshop was spread over 2 days was less tiring and allowed for better attention.

Thank you, Denise, the presentation was well organized and truly inspiring. The follow-up Photoshop tips and tricks were clearly explained. I think the pre-recorded workflow was a great idea. Now you have some very good material for future presentations and many more photographers will have access to your simple yet very effective techniques.

Pia O’Leary, London Ontario

PS to O3C


Hi Denise, we’re sorry we couldn’t see you in person, but Terry and I both send our heartfelt thanks for two days of great photographic tips and images. We learned a lot , as is usual when we attend one of your presentations or workshops.

Thanks again from Don and Terry.


I enjoyed the weekend webinar immensely, and as usual, Denise presented us with consistently outstanding photographs and ideas, and excellent instruction in photoshop. Denise’s presentations are always outstanding......I would l never miss any opportunity to see her. She never fails to inspire  and introduce us to different ways of looking at, and photographing our world, whether far away or close at hand. Her answers to the questions were clear and unhurried, which I also appreciated. Denise is incredible the way she remembers everyone she has met, and shows how pleased she is to hear from them.  


Janet Kempster


I had the pleasure of hearing Denise speak in Burlington a few years ago, and ever since then I have followed her Website, blog and Facebook page.  Her work is amazing and beautiful.  I enjoyed hearing her stories and learning her techniques and advice.  It was so much to take in and I will enjoy watching the recorded session.  I also can go back to the e-books I purchased and hopefully create some stunning new images.  I didn’t mind the Zoom sessions, but it would have been nice to see her in person.  Thanks again to all the people who worked so hard to put this weekend together.  

Karen Cunningham


I really enjoyed the past weekend education with Denise I. She has helped me to get out of my “photography slump”. I’m looking forward to transforming some of my past shots & plan to visit the zoo, to try out some of the techniques .  Overall, the two sessions were paced well with part inspirational material and part practical workshop material.

Looking forward to seeing more from Denise in the future.



The workshop was amazing, I learnt a lot. I think it looks like this workshop was for me, I wanted to learn these things and I got it. I am really thankful to you and your team members for taking so much pain for us. It was greatest  show for me and I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks and looking forward more workshops

Love Niru Karia

This was my first exposure to a camera club hosted event. I am a novice at photography and I’m not particularly technical. In fact I was a bit nervous that it would be too technical for me to follow. While there is a lot for me to digest and there were technical questions and, of course demos on photo shop which I have never accessed I think it struck the perfect balance for me to be awe struck by the beautiful images (both before and after photoshop) as well as by the extraordinarily detailed eye of Denise - both in her compositions and in her finesse of every detail through the photoshop demos! In short - I really enjoyed the experience and I’m grateful to both the organizers and to Denise for sharing her expertise with us!


Denise, thank you for a very inspiring and insightful presentation. It definitively gave me some new ideas as to how I might approach my photography going forward. The 2 days were a nice balance of your photos and the stories behind them, your techniques, and actual photoshop demonstrations.

Amazing photography!

Judi Pater

Denise, Your seminar totally exceeded my expectations!!! You’re both an amazing photographer, but an equally amazing teacher. I feel lucky to have found you and had a chance to be with you for a few days, even if only via Zoom.
Will look forward to joining you live one of these days, Joel

Denise, Denise,

Thank you so much for helping me understand the possibilities with Photoshop. You have opened a whole new world to me can caused me to think about photography in new ways. I accept the challenge of pouring over your fantastic handouts along with my notes to try your creative ideas not only to enhance my photographs but to create art.

It has been an amazing week. Pam Jaudes

Thank you so much for this workshop! And this valuable e-book of 277 pages. Amazing. I’m looking forward to digging into it.
But must of all, thank you for your gentle manner of teaching. Having you say that this is HARD is such an understatement, but I’m starting to get it. Knowing how much time you have practiced actually is encouraging. We must not give up. We can do it.

Linda Caden

I definitely enjoyed the presentation and look forward to watching the replays to better learn many of the Photoshop features that she

presented. I will be spending time during Covid trying to turn some of my average pictures into “better” ones based on her tips.

As Lance mentioned Denise  presented to the Toronto Digital Photography Club, plus led 4  workshop outings a few  years ago. I was the

organizer for this. As you have experienced, it was great meeting and working with her. She is amazing.

I was really looking forward to meeting with her again in person..Of well, this was as good as it could be this year. I'm so glad you didn't cancel it.

John Weatherburn

Please tell Denise that I truly enjoyed both mornings of P.S.instructions and her delivery.

I tried last evening to implement what I had learned during the day but of course couldn’t remember all the steps to the process.

I am grateful for having the opportunity to have access to the info for awhile.

Denise’s photography is truly artistic and makes me want to learn her technique and apply what I have learned to my own images.

Thanks for all the work you and others put in to bring these two mornings to a successful conclusion.

Best regards, Ann

I was very happy to have had the opportunity to meet Denise  (on the web) and learn from her experience, become inspired by her artistry, and

be motivated to try new things.  I love high key images but have seldom produced them, much less had good results with the few I have entered

into competitions.  Hopefully the weekend will inspire Ontario photographers to reach further, and judges to broaden their horizons in

understanding the artistry of photography.

Thanks for putting on this weekend, I enjoyed it very much.


Thanks so much for sharing your time and wisdom with us as I always find it inspiring and interesting to learn from other fellow photographers. I

enjoyed hearing your stories, though processes for taking photos, and how you edit them—especially your wildlife photos, which is what brought

me to you in the first place. Many thanks again and hopefully one of these days we can meet here in Toronto—





Again, thank you for a wonderful experience in the are a tour leader extraordinaire!!

Harold Klein

From the member of the Garden Club of America:


In additional to all of your creative skills I am humbled by your sense of calm under pressure. You definitely know how to problem solve and take action! We can’t thank you enough for carrying the day.

I’m quite sure that the 600+ members who stayed with us felt grateful and rewarded — and all are your fangirls now!

You definitely left them "wanting more”. When you have time let's talk and start planning for 2026!



Perhaps my favorite webinar! Super Thank You!

Fabulous!!  Very inspiring! Thank you

Just beautiful and so helpful!

So inspiring! Love your photos and all of your tips.

Denise i loved your program and well remember the first time you taught at one of our GCA photo workshops many years ago. Thank you for being our inspiration for all these years!

Wonderful instruction and comments - even for a novice photographer! (Beautiful photos)

Beautiful photos and very inspiring! Thank you!

This has been a wonderful presentation. I’m an iphone user, so thanks for including a bit of that too. Nancy

This is one of the best photography sessions ever! Thank you.

Your expert conversation is very informative! Thank you.

Denise Ippolito is truly an awesome artist and teacher.  Thank you for having her at this conference!!

Denise was wonderful, and in the end, we were lucky to have the live presentation — she seemed to do it easily and added spark and personality.  She is an amazing photographer and an impressive teacher.  I appreciated her combination of approaches, targeted to both novices and experts.