Art is an expression, a feeling, a liberation, a vision. It has a heartbeat of its own that lives inside of you. It is something that you take everywhere you go. I am not talking about the education of art. I am talking about the soul that cannot rest until its vision is complete. A passion that takes over to pursue a dream or a whim. The beginning with no end in mind, the start of something fresh, an idea, a thought, an impression, a faint notion, an awakening…
— The Art of Photography- denise ippolito 2013
Please contact me if you are interested in having me present one of my programs to your group or organization.
— Denise Ippolito

Visual Expressions, Slide Program/Lecture

Many times, as photographers, we arrive at a location that is stunningly beautiful. We then scour the scene looking for a shot that will reflect the beauty that we see in front of us. Often times we will not be able to create an epic shot even when the view is utterly fantastic. Just because a vista is stunningly beautiful does not mean that it will make a great photograph. Part of that problem is, we are feeling the beauty as much as we are seeing it- and that is where most folks get into trouble. They are not able to visually express what they are experiencing…

Adventures in Nature Travel, Slide Program/Lecture

Travel around the world with me during this one hour adventure filled lecture/slide program which will include a variety of images from the Galapagos, South Georgia and the Falkland Islands, Japan, Torres del Paine in Chile, Greece, Alaska, Florida, Bosque del Apache New Mexico, Camargue France, Iceland, Keukenhof and more... This slide program is for nature lovers and contains a lot of wildlife photography. I will share some of my photography tips and techniques as well as some of my experiences at each location.

The Softer Side of Macro, Slide Program/Lecture

My one hour slide program/lecture "The Softer Side of Macro" will cover the in-camera techniques that I use to capture beautiful flower images: composition, depth-of-field, background selection, proper use of reflectors, and how to use natural light effectively. I will discuss my techniques for selective focus and shooting through to create soft memorable images. I will also go into detail, explaining my creative processing and multiple filtering effects that I use on a daily basis. You will be inspired to create and develop your own sense of style and vision. If you love to photograph flowers this program is for you.

A Blend of Art and Nature Slide Program/Lecture

My one hour slide show “A Blend of Art and Nature” will explore the combination of art and nature. My artistic wildlife and bird photographs along with my creative filter designs will inspire you to step out of the box of conformity. I will share some of my pleasing blur images along with some of my tack sharp flight shots. A visual experience of photographs from local hot spots to images from around the country. This slide show will have something for everyone.

Creative Blurs Slide Program/Lecture

This one hour slide show/lecture covers all the techniques that I use to create my pleasingly blurred flower and bird images. This presentation is based on my newest eBook "A Guide to Creative Blurs". Many factors determine the degree of blur and those will all be covered in-depth during this program. Learn how to capture bird blast-offs and impressionistic flower images. I also have a segment on Multiple Exposure Blurs included in the slide show.

 I remember my very first presentation to a large group of photographers that were hungry for knowledge. Most of them had been photographing for many years and I would consider the group to be above average in their skills as this was a master-class program given by a world-famous bird photographer. 

At the time, I was just starting out in my career, and I was the younger assistant trying to make a name for myself in a genre that was predominantly filled with older men. And I knew that no one wanted to hear what I had to say. Why would they, they all had brand new expensive cameras that were way above my pay grade, and they all seemed to dress and talk alike, clearly, they were part of a click that I did not fit into.

Then it happened, the words I dreaded… ok, it’s your turn. What, what did you say, what do you mean it’s my turn. My turn to do what?? Present your program. I can’t do that, they don’t want to hear what I have to say, they paid to hear you. It’s your turn, get up there. I can’t, I don’t want to, I’m not ready. Well, it’s now or never. I stood there in disbelief. I don’t have a program ready; I was unprepared. It was my big chance, and I already blew it. 

Was I going to just walk away from it all??? NO, I said OK, I’ll do it, but I don’t even know what to say—his words, I’ll never forget “teach what you know.” That was it, that’s all you have for me—-are you kidding! I only know creative stuff and…. And well, I was full of excuses, and definitely out of time. 

So, I got up there and risked it all. It turns out I had a lot to say. It was like when your parents threw you in the water and said, “sink or swim.” Well, I swam, and I haven’t stopped swimming yet!

So, let’s try to figure out this Visualization thing together and let me help you learn to capture your own vision, after all, you are talking to an expert-wink! For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Denise Ippolito. I have been in the business of photography for well over a decade. I’ve been teaching creative photography, specializing in composition. I have lots of ideas about capturing and creating compelling images and I will be sharing them with you in all of my upcoming presentations.
— Denise Ippolito