I’m heading back to Japan soon, for what will be my seventh trip, yikes! Does time really fly by that quickly?? My first to trip to Japan was in 2014. The minute I photographed these snow monkeys I knew that I would be back. Little did I know that I would return so many times and have as many opportunities with these adorable little creatures. I am truly blessed.
I wanted to share the two photos in this post that were captured in 2018 because they represent two of the things (there are other things I look for but I want to focus on these two for now) that I hope for when I photograph the monkeys. Those two things are snow and unique subjects. The top image was captured while it was snowing. Sure there is usually snow on the ground when we get to the monkey location but to be there while the snow is falling is a treat. So, the top image with the snow flakes falling from the sky puts a smile on my face every time I see it.
Depending on the shutter speed you choose, the falling flakes can look circular or they can look like streaks. I prefer the circular ones (faster shutter speed) most of the time, but I do change up my shutter speeds. The snow also helps to create a more pleasing background as it fades away the clutter that can distract the viewers eye from the subject. I like to take multiple shots because sometimes you will get a clump of flakes right on the monkey’s eye which can detract from the shot.
The photo below represents my second favorite thing to look for. Odd or unique subjects. I was told that the monkey below is/was one of the oldest monkeys on the site. I did not see this monkey in 2019. Perhaps it didn’t come down from the mountain or maybe it passed away. I will be looking for it again this year. It has some unique features, including its nose with that small cookie cutter look at the bottom and the discoloration of its face.
It is hard to leave these guys every year but knowing that I will be returning makes it a bit easier. I am looking forward to what this year has in store for me and my group. Wish us luck.