I have received lots of positive emails from folks saying that they have been enjoying my series “which do you prefer”, so I will do a few more. This image was originally captured at Longwood Gardens with private client Pam Corckran a few years ago. In post processing, I added a small amount of the Topaz Glow “Fur & Feathers Filter”. Next, I brought the image into Nik Color Efex to tone down the garish colors that Topaz had added to the photo using the Bleach Bypass filter at a reduced opacity. Because I had gotten a glimpse of what the image would look like as a B&W while in Nik, I decided to try a B&W conversion.
I’d like to know which processed image you like best. A or B ? Please use the comment section below to respond. My email box is full and I will not be able to get back to you via email-thanks! I will add my thoughts after everyone has had a chance to comment. If you missed my thoughts on my last post-check out the comment box. HERE. Thanks for playing, this has been fun. A quick reminder, there are no right or wrongs here-only opinions.