I wanted to share some of the images that our clients captured during our time on Bird Island in the Seychelles. They all went home with loads of images but I asked them to send me their favorite 2 images from the trip. Only 4 clients wanted to share, sometimes travel times interfere with the ability to share but here are the images that were sent in. To join next year’s trip click HERE.
Tiny Hermit Crab, photo copyright Kitty Riley Kono Cobb
Horned Ghost Crab, photo copyright Kitty Riley Kono Cobb
From Kitty:
I am too old to remember when I got my first camera, but I do remember buying an old used Leica when I was still single and had a lot of time on my hands. I set up a little dark room in the basement of my tiny house in Center City, Philadelphia and had the time of my life taking pictures and processing them. I retired in August 2007 after 32 years working for the greatest standards organization in the world called ASTM International. For my birthday that year, my husband bought me a new Nikon D80 digital camera. I have had more fun every day since then taking photographs and learning what a wonderful hobby this is.
I am outside every single day taking photos of birds, stray cats, bugs, flowers, and landscapes. Hopefully I can fill the galleries within this website with new, interesting photographs as I learn and grow to be a better photographer.
To see more of Kitty’s images visit her website- http://www.kittykono.com/
White tern feeding young chick, photo copyright Michele McCormick
Lesser Noddy grabbing seaweed at the beach, photo copyright Michele McCormick
A little about Michele:
For Michele McCormick, now based in Sacramento, California, photography is a lifelong journey that began more than four decades ago. It started with college studies emphasizing photography, and led Michele into early adventures in freelance writing and editorial photography for publications around the world. Then life took a different path, and she pursued a professional career in which photography took a back seat.
In 2010, Michele returned to her early passion for photography, and entered the world of digital photography with energy and enthusiasm. After years of exploring a variety of photographic opportunities, COVID changed everything. With travel out of the question and other activities limited, Michele discovered that her love of winter migratory bird photography need not be limited to seasons . . . and a new passion was born.
While Michele continues her interest in a variety of subjects, she has found a special love of avian artistry, reflected in her latest galleries. She hopes your passions will take wings of their own form, as hers have.
To see more of Michele’s images visit her website- http://www.michelemccormickphotography.com/
White tern, photo copyright Nicki Gwynn-Jones
Palm frond, photo copyright Nicki Gwynn-Jones
From Nicki:
In the summer of 2016 my husband and I and our two cats packed up our belongings and moved to Orkney, a group of islands perched off the north east coast of Scotland on the 59th parallel, where the Atlantic Ocean meets the North Sea. There are no regrets.
Orcadian life has always been shaped by wind and water - we have almost 600 miles of coastline - making this the perfect place from which to experience the fury of the elements, to connect with the primal forces that have carved out this island-home. I am lured out by the worst of weathers, hunkered down on a cliff in a spot that could have been carved out just for me by all the raging tempests that have ever been, waiting for the point at which the triumvirate of wind, tide and rock combine to produce a moment of power so absolute that it is hard to comprehend. Now remember to press the shutter button ...
I give myself over to the idea that the combination of wind and flowers will have an exuberance, freedom within a form, like jazz to the classical. I am looking for that in-between space, the unseen landscape that holds its secrets close. For here, even though the image will be static, there will be flow and movement. Some days I return empty-handed - the faeries will not tell - but other days I am granted a glimpse into their world, a privilege that is only given to those who want to see.
To see more of Nicki’s images visit her website- www.nickigwynnjones.com
White tern, photo copyright Robin Hoddinott Harrison
Lesser Noddies, photo copyright Robin Hoddinott Harrison
Robin is such a nice, kind, quiet person to travel with. She does not share very much about herself online, so to respect her personal privacy, I'll only share her website link below.