Client's Images from Kenya

I wanted to share some of my client’s images from my recent photo tour to Kenya/Amboseli. The group was fantastic and so are their images! Hard to pick a favorite…

Image copyright 2021 ~ Kristen Eder

From Kristen Eder:

We saw this mother and her 3 cubs several times during our trip in the Mara. The morning I shot this she was on the move looking for prey for herself and cubs, moving from mound to mound. The cheetah has long been my favorite cat. I think they are just so elegant and possess enormous strength and endurance. I wanted to make a simple photograph to capture all your attention on the cheetah.

Image copyright 2021 ~ Kitty Kono Cobb

From Kitty Kono Cobb:

There were eleven of these little darlings playing together and being supervised by maybe four moms and two dads. As we were leaving the scene, Simon, our guide said, "Look at that little cub all alone in the tire track." I took his picture and just loved those huge paws. Oh what a time we had!
Thank you so much for all. Loved every minute.

Image copyright 2021 ~ Donna Bourdon

From Donna Bourdon:

This image was taken on one of the last mornings at Amboseli. Nothing much was happening as we looked for a sunrise location, so we returned to our “tried and true” location to hope for a show from the wildebeest. We got a nice surprise when the wildebeest started dancing and kicking up dust, just as the sun came up over a cloud. It was a magical moment.

Image copyright 2021 ~ Diana Lyn Davidson

From Diana Lyn Davidson:

I’ve been to Kenya a few times but without a doubt this trip exceeded every expectation and previous experience I’ve ever had. There were so many aspects of the trip that was a first for me. I spoke a few times about the fact that often the memorable events on my trips are not necessarily ones that I’ve been able to capture photographically but are, nonetheless, burned into my brain. On our trip, a juvenile leopard passed underneath our vehicle while I was leaning from the window. I whispered (to myself) ‘hello kitty’ (perhaps channeling our Kitty) as he passed by me and he looked up and, for a brief moment, our eyes caught—a sentinel moment for me. How many people can say they’ve locked gaze with a leopard??? This image reminded me of that moment because of the icy stare of the leopard’s gaze at the viewer. That, plus I’ve never seen a leopard so calmly watching me while I took his photo! Thank you so much, Denise, for such an incredible, wonderful trip!

Image copyright ~ Frank Forward

From Frank Forward:

this image is a composite of 3 images. it represents my vision of how we saw the elephants cross the dry basin. it was a unforgettable nature experience. as we laid on the ground and watched from maybe 40-50 feet, the herd of elephants slowly crossed a large stretch of cracked drybed. magnificent animals!!

Image copyright 2021 ~ Eloise Carson

From Eloise Carson:

I was amazed at the opportunity to watch this cheetah family hunt together. The mom caught the baby gazelle then let it go so her cubs could chase it and catch it on their own. Sad to watch but also just part of life. Our guides did such a good job getting us into position so we were able to capture shots like these.

Image copyright 2021 ~ Frank Shucka

From Frank Shucka:

So many shots that I’m enamored with and obviously this was inspired by your high key photos. I really like the artistic feel of this one. Great fun to explore new techniques.

Image copyright 2021 ~ Mansoor Assadi

From Mansoor Assadi:

Wildebeest sparring at Sunset in Amboseli National Park.
