Photoshop Editing Workshop via Zoom. This will be an intense one day class geared towards how I use Photoshop Layers & Masks, Lightroom/ Adobe Camera Raw selectively and apply my own Photoshop Quick Tips to my nature images.
Date- March 31, 2021.
Time- 10:00am EST to 4:00pm EST with an hour lunch break.
Requirements- participants must have basic knowledge of Photoshop to attend. Must download or already have Zoom on their computer. Zoom has a free program and that is all that is needed.
Class size will be small -limit 12 with a minimum of 8.
All participants will be given an image file with a homework assignment (something we covered during the program) at the end of the workshop that they can share their finished assignment with the group.
Hand-outs will be given after the workshop.
To sign up for this workshop CLICK HERE.