
Lately I have been looking at landscape images online and have come to the conclusion that most of the ones that catch my eye are completely unrealistic and totally over done in post processing. That said, there have been times that the colors in the sky are so unrealistic that nobody would believe it unless they saw them for themselves.

How do you feel about these unrealistic landscape skies, do you believe that some photographers are truly blessed each and every time they go somewhere? Or do you think they are juicing the heck out of them in post?

Keep in mind that folks are stacking filters, using HDR in-camera or combining frames in post to achieve some of these looks, but are they going too far…are they creating looks that are not realistic or are they creating works of art?

Below are two different images from the same scene in Patagonia captured moments apart. Which one is real and which one is created in Photoshop/Lightroom? You decide-A or B ???




