My Junkyard Dogs

I have fondly been referring to my fox family as my junkyard dogs, notice how I say “my”. Anytime I spend more than one shooting session with a species I start to form a bond, probably my maternal instincts. I adore baby animals and birds, they are so clumsy and innocent. I could watch them play for hours and I have been watching this family for days now.

The two images below were captured moments apart. As soon as I pressed the shutter I knew I would be smiling when I got home. I was surprised that the photo I thought I would be most happiest with turned out to be my third favorite of the day. Do you know which one of these I like best? To see my favorite shot of the day check out my Facebook post HERE.

I also want to thank all of you that have been supporting my blog by using my B&H affiliate link. It is very helpful to me, especially now.
