The in-camera pan blur above was captured at Bosque del Apache NWR back in 2013. I never processed it until the other day. I was going through my files when I decided to save it from the garbage bin.
I also saved the file below from the trash. I shot it using 600mm. I liked how the sun was hitting the back mountains in that particular area of the mountain chain while the mountains below were in the shade creating a blue cast. By using a 600mm lens I was able to isolate that area. I also did a sky replacement using one of my own skies. The original sky was a drab olive-green-grey… I’m calling this one “Fire and Ice”.
Fire and Ice
The last one I dumpster dived for was the shot below. Again, this was captured in 2013 during a rare snow day. I loved the tiny skeins of geese that laced the sky very delicately.