I just returned home from a wonderful trip to Yellowstone NP with private clients/friends. Our main target for this strip was bison in the snow. My friend Michael Zajac came along as the driver, he did an excellent job. He handles a 4-wheel drive vehicle like an expert.
Weather conditions were predicted to be extremely cold with temperatures in the negative double digits. However, we ended up having our coldest day starting off with 12 degrees and warm to thirty. So, not so cold. This is good and bad; it makes getting around much easier, but you always want snow and/or hoarfrost to make your images more appealing—at least in my opinion. We ended up having both snow and hoarfrost, so I was happy!
My favorite from the trip.
We arrived a day after the epic wolf kill in Yellowstone but watching a bison suffer for hours on end would have been hard to watch…But, I’m sorry that I missed the opportunity to see and photograph a wolf a little closer than usual. Maybe next time…. You just never know. That’s what makes wildlife photography so exciting. Of all the genres, wildlife photography always has that element of surprise.
During this trip we concentrated on the North Entrance area, usually that is where many close sightings of bison, moose elk, pronghorn, big horn sheep, coyotes, (wolves far away, unless you get lucky) and eagles. We found a huge herd of elk- one of the largest I have ever seen. It was late and the light was low, but one person got great video of the elk. We also found a large herd of big horn sheep and pronghorn. We spotted two moose, one still with paddles. A small group of ignorant cell phone photographers scurried down a slope to get closer and startled the moose. One mock charged them, then they both ran off away from the area we were at, and we didn’t see them again before we left. I’m not sure why they would foolishly approach them so closely.
I kept this image on the cooler side, I felt it represented what I saw that morning.
Not a great shot but that is all I could manage due to the circumstances.
Before the trip’s start date, I had hoped we would get bison with snow and or hoarfrost on their coats. I love that look. We were lucky one morning to have an entire herd to ourselves with hoarfrost covered vegetation and a snowy background. When it started to snow, I was extremely happy. It was a great morning, and I captured many images in the changing conditions.
Tree abstract
We saw several eagles, but no one wanted to stop for them, and I was fine with that having had many photo opportunities of close-up eagles. However, it’s always hard for me to drive by <wink>.
We also had many chances to photograph coyotes. We saw six in total in varying conditions. Mostly at point blank range but two were very skittish and would not allow anyone to get close enough for a shot. When animals are skittish, I usually just let them be. It’s best not to let any animal “feel” your presence if they are not receptive.
On one evening we had a herd of pronghorn to ourselves. I got close to a young male that was not a bit afraid of me. He actually walked right up to me as he was feeding. I stood perfectly still so that he wouldn’t spook. I didn’t even lift my camera, I wanted to enjoy my time with him.
Otter near the road
Anyway, the adventure was filled with great wildlife sightings, good food, friends, and moments that I will cherish for years to come. I enjoyed my time in Yellowstone so much that I will be offering a road trip for the north entrance area. Anyone wishing to join me, I will take just three as it worked out perfectly with a small group. We stayed at a lovely, large home just outside the park and shopped at the local grocery store for some healthy meal selections. If you want to explore the north entrance (the Lamar valley and beyond) in the winter and don’t want to drive yourself, consider joining me.
*All images were shot using my Sony a1 camera body, 200-600mm lens, 70-200 II f/2.8 lens. I also used my 24-105mm lens for some landscapes that I hope to share later. I have so many more images to go through.
Cost: $3899.pp
Dates: January 19-26th, 2025
All ground transportation from Bozeman hotel
Guided daily tours, morning, and late afternoon -break for lunch.
A detailed PDF file with gear, clothing suggestions and logistics.
Not included:
Airfare to Bozeman
Park entrance fees
Transfer from airport to hotel in Bozeman (most have free shuttles)
The house has a large full kitchen, balcony with views, living room/dining room with three bedrooms and 3 baths. We are looking for 3 people.
*This trip is not confirmed, I am just seeing if there is interest. Contact me if you are interested.