This and That..

My collection of flower photos is from my time at Schreiner's Iris Gardens in Oregon. Two images of Iris and the other two are in-camera multiple exposures of Clematis. All shot with my Olympus gear. I adore shades of blue and purple and thought that I would share these flower images with you. Hope they brighten your day.


It has been so hot and rainy in New Jersey; getting out to shoot or planning a photo shoot is next to impossible. Every time I trust the weather report it lets me down. This morning would have been perfect for beach photography, but instead I opted to once again be misinformed by the weather reports…ugh.

I don’t have many options for photography locations other than the few beaches that I am keeping a watch on for oystercatchers, skimmers, and terns. And also, my fox family. I am planning on doing some Milky Way stuff but need a clear sky. Other than that, I haven’t got any good local locations. If you live in the tri-state area and would like to share any good places feel free to shoot me an email or comment below. Thanks.

My front porch birds continue to sit in 90-degree weather guarding their eggs. I truly don’t know how they do it! My air conditioner upstairs broke again so I am really feeling the heat.

I’ll be running another eBook sale for the summer in case you want to pick up one of my books.

Many of you have been writing in asking for updates on your upcoming trips. Unfortunately, as of now, I really do not have anything concrete to tell you. As soon as I get any news—-good or bad I will relay it to your group. I am in close contact with all my local guides and agents. We all want the trips to be a go. Hopefully by July we will have more news regarding any trips overseas. Circumstances are changing weekly, even daily for some countries so please sit tight and know that I will let you know asap. Promise.

Thank you for your patience and understanding—you have all been terrific during these trying times.

Big hugs,
